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What's New

Being a SaaS offering, updates to Envizi are released on an ongoing basis. This is a list of product updates that have been released across all Envizi modules and add-ons.

July 2024

  • Market-based emissions inclusion into the Monthly Dataset - more about this here.

  • The ‘Value Chain Surveys & Assessments’ module is now renamed as ‘Surveys & Assessments’. No changes in functionalities other than the following renaming:

    • 'Value Chain Portal' is now called 'Survey Portal'

    • Issue names starting with 'VC' are renamed to start with 'SP' (which stands for Survey Portal)

    • 'Request Third Party Responses' are renamed to 'Request Survey Portal Responses'

    • 'Value Chain User' role renamed to 'Survey Portal User' role

    • Notification Contact Issue Type renamed from 'Value Chain Surveys' to 'Survey Portal Surveys'

June 2024

  • Energy Star module enhancements:

    • Additional unit support for cf, kcf, kcm, kg, mg/L, MWh, t, tonnes in API.

    • ‘Primary Function’ of a property can now be defined directly in Envizi before uploading into Energy Star Portfolio Manager(R) - read more about this here.

May 2024

  • Survey tool enhancements to support calculated fields via the use of account style rules, validation of answers and the presentation on multi-choice questions. You can read more about the survey tool here.

  • Data Export AddOn released providing access to the Monthly Dataset source files. You can read more about this AddOn here.

  • Programs module enhancements:

    • ‘Notes’ and ‘Attachments’ related to Programs/Action Plans/Actions are now available in reports ‘Notes Extract' and 'Attachments Summary’ respectively - read more about this here.

    • New organization settings to hide Estimated CO2e columns on the grids of Programs and Action Plans, when auto CO2e calculation feature is turned on - read more about this here.

    • Auto calculated estimated CO2e savings are now included in the Power BI Monthly Dataset and any Power Reports built on the Monthly Dataset - read more about this here.

April 2024

  • Additional features in Sustainability Reporting Manager (SRM) relating to Contributor as an additional role and Microsoft Excel as an additional export. You can read more about these features here and here.

  • US Climate Leaders factors for 2024 have now been updated. This includes a move from the AR4 to the AR5 GWP values. You can read more about managed US Climate Leaders factors here.

  • US eGRID factors for 2024 have been updated to move from AR4 to the AR5 GWP values to be aligned with the latest US EPA guideline published in Feb 2024. You can read more about manged eGRID factors in Envizi here.

  • Planning Analytics AddOn released. You can read more about this AddOn here.

March 2024

  • Improved report scheduling to take into account Daylight Savings automatically

  • GRESB 2024 related updates have now been released. This includes the lift of 10 locations batch API restriction, performance improvements on API connected pages, and latest GRESB 2024 Real Estate framework related changes. You can read more about GRESB 2024 changes here.

February 2024

  • New AI Assist NLP model for Scope 3 spend-based categorization which is trained on a new and more extensive data set. You can read more about this features here.

  • Location Open and Closed dates added to the Location’s grid.

  • All roles assigned to users are now included in the ‘Role’ column of the Contacts & Logins page. You can read more about roles here.

  • US eGRID emission factors have been aligned to calendar year for effective and published factor dates. You can read more about managed eGRID emission factors here.

  • Record attachment root URL now supports up to 3945 characters. This relates to clients who use the record attachment URL link feature.

January 2024

  • IEA 2023 factors now available and its Indirect CO2e methodology change. Note the IEA 2023 emission factors are applicable to electricity data with its consumption period starting from Jan-2024 onwards only, when the factors ‘Published Dates’ selection logic is used (which applies to most organizations). You can read more about published dates here.

  • US eGRID factors now including Indirect CO2e values. You can read more about this factor set here.

  • Energy Star - Synchronization of historical property use details with ESPM now available. You can read more about this feature here.

  • New features in Sustainability Reporting Manager (SRM) relating to approval workflow, access/permissions, email notifications and mapping of related questions covering all questions in our managed frameworks. You can read more about these features here.

December 2023

  • Envizi Supply Chain Intelligence module released. You can read about this module click here.

November 2023

  • Scope 3 Category 1 Spend Data AI Assist. Clients can use AI Assist to add Scope 3, category 1 purchased goods and services, spend-based data. You can read more about this new feature here.

  • Password Expiry Reminders. You can read more about this new feature here.

  • Review Account Styles. You can read more about this new feature here.

October 2023

  • CRREM Scenario Modeler PowerReport is now available. You can read more about this new feature here.

  • Four new fields added to the Monthly Data Summary report. You can read more here.

  • Platform Multi-Language Support. You can read more about this new feature here.

  • Energy Star Partial Data Sync mode now available. You can read more about this new feature here.

September 2023

  • Tagged Data in Monthly Dataset. You can read more about configuring this feature here and about setting up custom tag types here.

  • Automated User Activation Email. You can read more about this new feature here.

August 2023

  • New Energy Star Location Settings. You can read more about this new feature here.

  • Virtual Accounts. You can read more about this feature here.

  • Tag Management Enhancements for managing and view tags. You can read more about this new feature here.

July 2023

  • Data Flow Automation. You can read more about this new feature here.

  • Universal Account Setup and Data Loading Process. You can read more about this new feature here.

  • Envizi API Access Tokens. You can read more about API tokens here. You can read more about advanced administration of API tokens here.

June 2023

  • Bulk generation and scheduling of Data Capture Issues. You can read more about this new feature here.

  • Tag Access Level User. You can read more about the tag access level user here. You can read more about the Tag Summary page here.

  • PowerReport Survey Dataset. You can read more about this new feature here.

April 2023

  • Enhancements to Managing and Viewing Tags. You can read more about this new feature here.

  • Energy Star API Transaction Logs. You can read more about this new feature here.

  • Enhancements to managing notification contacts and due dates in bulk. You can read more about this new feature here.

  • Changes to the 'Emission and Energy Factors' report. Due to a new licensing agreement with IEA, we can no longer display paid or sensitive emission factor values in a downloadable spreadsheet. As a result, the report has been updated to show ‘Value unable to be disclosed’ if its a paid factor. A new report ‘Emission and Energy Factors - PDF Version’ is made available in the ‘Audit Report' folder and is only available as a pdf.

  • The Envizi login page has been changed to support both SSO users and non SSO users. You can read more about logging into Envizi here and about managing logins when using SSO SAML 2.0 here.

  • GRESB 2023 Questionnaire and updates. You can read more about GRESB 2023 here.

March 2023

  • CDP - Climate - 2023 PowerReport.

  • New Utility Account Analytics PowerReport allows you to understand when, where, and how much energy and water is being used by your organization.

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