SRM Export
There may be times when you want a single export of your responses to share with internal stakeholders or with the rest of your organization. To facilitate this you can export a PDF, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Excel document with all your responses.
There are two places in which you can do this export.
The first is on the Sustainability Reporting Manager home page.
The second place is within a Disclosure, under the Actions button.
After clicking Export, you will be presented with the following:
You can select what to include in your export; both from your response fields, and from the question itself.
You also have the option to include attachments. If you do opt to include attachments, a folder will be downloaded that will contain the attachments in folders specific to the questions they are under:
The folders with the question codes contain all of the attachments attached to that question. The PDF document will present as the following:
There is also a table of contents, broken down by Framework and Topic
Within each question, the question normally seen in a response page within the SRM can also be seen: