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Energy Star - Getting Started

Authorization in ESPM

First you would need to establish connection between your Portfolio Manager(R) account and Envizi's PM account and grant Envizi web service read and write access rights.

If you have any existing locations in Portfolio Manager(R) and would like them to be getting data from Envizi, share these locations and their meters with Envizi's PM account.

Entity Id Mapping in Envizi

For existing properties in Energy Star Portfolio Manager(R), an entity id mapping work is required to link Portfolio Manager(R)'s building/meters, and Envizi's location/accounts/meters. This needs to be set up in Envizi by an implementation consultant. Note this is only required for existing properties in ESPM. For new properties, Envizi will auto provision the entity id mappings during the first API data upload.

Energy Star Portfolio Manager Entity Name

Envizi Entity Name




Account or Meter

Collecting Data in Envizi

Once the authorization and mapping (if required) have been completed, you can start to collect and capture data required to obtain an Energy Star Score in Envizi. This typically would include:

  • Location related information such as year built, address, postal code

  • Property Use details that are required to identify the main use of the building and to assess the building energy performance, for example - floor area, % of heating, number of kitchens, number of full time employees and etc.

  • Utility energy consumption data for at least 12 months - this could include eletrcity, natural gas, diesel or any data types that are for energy consumptions

  • Water consumption data if that is required to be uploaded to Portfolio Manager

  • Special setup for certain property types, such as Data Center

Please refer to the Collecting Data in Envizi page for more details.

Upload Data to ESPM and Obtain an Energy Star Score in Envizi

Once all required data has been captured in Envizi, next you would be able to push the data to ESPM and scynchronize the two platforms via API. Every data push will typically include 12 months of data from an Envizi location, and they will replace any existing data in their corresponding ESPM property and meters.

There are two modes for data upload

  • Full Data Sync - under this mode, Envizi will upload both property use details (including all historical) and utility data (12 months only ending selected month) to Energy Star Portfolio Manager(R), and request an ENERGY STAR® Score back via API.

  • Partial Data Sync - under this mode, Envizi will upload 12 months of utility (energy & water) data only to Energy Star Portfolio Manager(R) and request an ENERGY STAR® Score back via API. It does not upload any Property Use Details to Energy Star Portfolio Manager(R) under this mode.

Please refer to the Upload data to ESPM page for more details on this.

Review Energy Star Scores in Envizi

If the API upload process is successful, an Energy Star Score will be received from ESPM and saved into the corresponding ‘Location Rating’ record in Envizi for the requested month. Every month you can request for a new Energy Star Score if that is required to track building’s energy performace over time, and the score will be saved in the Location Rating record for the corresponding month. Please refer to the Review Scores page for more details on where to check the scores.

Additional Help

Lastly, if you encounter issues while performing API uploads, you can review the Energy Star API Troubleshooting page, check the requird data and supported data types mentioned in the Collecting Data in Envizi page, or review the list of supported property use types. The Energy Star API Transation log can also be reviewed to assist with identifying root causes of issues.

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