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Survey PowerReport Dataset

The Survey Dataset supports reporting on surveys and scorecards (Surveys which include scoring) in Envizi’s PowerReport framework.

The dataset includes all survey responses for all surveys that have at least one question answered. If a respondent has not filled in any answers, that Location’s (which could represent a third party like a supplier or investee) survey response will not be included.

If a location is not in a classification group then the response is not included in the dataset.

The survey will not be available at all in the dataset if none of the locations, for which responses have been requested, are in a classification group or if no survey responses have at least one question answered.

The Group, Location and Region data included in this dataset are the same as what is included in the Monthly Dataset. Further information on those dimensions can be found here.

The dataset includes pre-calculated scores, comparison to previous period answers and scores, comparison to max scores (target scores) and comparison to average scores of respondents.

Since the scoring includes the calculation of average scores from all respondents, when requesting responses to scorecards from third party organizations (those who respond via the survey portal), you should inform your respondents that by responding to the survey their answers will be used in the calculation of average scores which may be shared with other respondents to give feedback on how they have scored compared to the average of all respondents.

The survey dataset is refreshed daily overnight.



Sub Folder


Field Type



Survey Name


Name of the Survey as seen in the UI

Survey Tag


This is set when a survey is created or copied. It is used to link surveys that have the exact same sections and questions but have different survey names and different Effective From and Effective To dates.
This is used to link a survey to the same survey in the previous period in order to calculate previous period values.

Survey Type


Options are: Survey or Scorecard (used to identify surveys that include a scoring)

Date From


Effective From

Date To


Effective From

Survey Response Name


Survey Response Name as seen in the UI

Survey Response Status


Options are: Investigating, Submitted, Resolved

This is the status of the Issue linked to the Survey Response.

Number of Mandatory Questions


Each question is a survey is set to Mandatory yes or no. Mandatory questions are the questions that every respondent is expected to answer. Child (dependent) questions are set to No as showing them are based on the answer to the parent question. The number of mandatory questions does not necessarily equal the total number of questions in a survey.

For users who only complete their survey responses through the survey portal, they can only Submit their survey response once they have answered all mandatory questions so this setting does need to be carefully considered for those types of surveys.

Number of Mandatory Questions Answered


The number of mandatory questions answered is is good proxy to indicate how complete a survey response is as it indicates how many of the mandatory questions, that every respondent is expected to answer, have been answered.

Percent Mandatory Questions Answered


Number of Mandatory Questions Answered / Number of Mandatory Questions

Section Name


Section Name as seen in the UI



Question name as seen in the UI

Question Type


Options are: Picklist, Number, Text, Disabling Picklist, Label, Date, Currency, Attachment (actual attachments are not included in the dataset)



The answer entered to the question.

If the question type = Attachment and an attachment was uploaded in response to the question then the Answer will be “File attached”. If no file is attached then the answer will be blank. The file itself cannot be access from the dataset.

Answer Numeric


If the answer is numeric then this is populated so that can use math functions like sum or avg.

Answer Previous Period


Answer to the same question in the same survey in the previous period (based on the Tag and Effective dates)

Answer Numeric Previous Period


If the answer is numeric then this is populated so that can use math functions like sum or avg.

Survey Scoring

Survey Score


Sum of all Section Weighted Scores

Compare to Max

Survey Max Score


Sum of all Section Weighted Max Scores

Survey Score Variance to Max


Survey Max Score - Survey Score

Survey Score Variance to Max %


Survey Score Variance to Max / Survey Max Score

Compare to Previous

Survey Score Previous Period


Survey Score from the survey in the period pervious to the current survey period

Survey Variance to Previous


Survey Score - Survey Score Previous Period

Survey Variance % to Previous


Survey Variance to Previous / Survey Score

Survey Variance to Max Previous Period


Survey Max Score - Survey Score Previous Period

Survey Variance to Max % Previous Period


Survey Variance to Max Previous Period / Survey Max Score

Compare to Average

Survey Score Respondents Avg


Average of the Survey Score from all respondents to the survey

Survey Variance to Respondents Avg


Survey Score Respondents Avg - Survey Score

Survey Variance % to Respondents Avg


Survey Variance to Respondents Avg / Survey Score Respondents Avg

Survey Score Respondents Avg Previous Period


Average of the Survey Score from all respondents to the survey in the period pervious to the current survey period

Survey Variance to Respondents Avg Previous Period


Survey Score Respondents Avg Previous Period - Survey Score Previous Period

Survey Variance % to Respondents Avg Previous Period


Survey Variance to Respondents Average Previous Period / Survey Score Respondents Avg Previous Period

Section Scoring

Section Weighting


If no weighting is used in the survey configuration then the weighting will be 1

Section Score


Sum of all child Question Weighted Scores

Section Weighted Score


Section Score x Section Weighting

Compare to Max

Section Max Score


Sum of all Question Weighted Max Scores

Section Weighted Max Score


Section Max Score x Section Weighting

Section Score Variance to Max


Section Weighted Max Score - Section Weighted Score

Section Score Variance to Max %


Section Score Variance to Max / Section Weighted Max Score

Compare to Previous

Section Score Previous Period


Section Weighted Score from the survey response in the period pervious to the current survey response period

Section Variance to Previous


Section Weighted Score - Section Score Previous Period

Section Variance % to Previous


Section Variance to Previous / Section Weighted Score

Section Variance to Max Previous Period


Section Weighted Max Score - Section Score Previous Period

Section Variance to Max % Previous Period


Survey Variance to Max Previous Period / Section Weighted Max Score

Compare to Average

Section Score Respondents Avg


Average of the Section Weighted Score from all respondents to the section

Section Variance to Respondents Avg


Section Score Respondents Avg - Section Weighted Score

Section Variance % to Respondents Avg


Section Variance to Respondents Avg / Section Score Respondents Avg

Section Score Respondents Avg Previous Period


Average of the Section Score from all respondents to the survey in the period pervious to the current survey period

Section Variance to Respondents Avg Previous Period


Section Score Respondents Avg Previous Period - Section Score Previous Period

Section Variance % to Respondents Avg Previous Period


Section Variance to Respondents Avg Previous Period / Section Score Respondents Avg Previous Period

Question Scoring

Answer Value


This is the Value of the picklist answer. This is configured in the picklist question to support the required scoring calculations (eg. Yes could be set to equal 1 and No could set to equal 0)

Question Possible Score


This is the score set in the question configuration for a non pick-list type question which if any answer is filled in then the configured score is applied for responding to that question. If no answer is provided then the possible score is always 0.

Question Weighting


This is the Weighting configured for the question. If no weighting is set then this value will be 1

Question Score


This is the Answer Value (with any decimals removed) if this is a picklist question or it is the Possible Score if not a picklist question

Question Weighted Score


Question Score x Question Weighting

Compare to Max

Question Max Score


Question Weighted Max Score - Question Weighted Score Score

Question Weighted Max Score


Question Score Variance to Max / Question Weighted Max Score

Question Score Variance to Max


Question Weighted Max Score - Question Score Previous Period

Question Score Variance to Max %


Question Variance to Max Previous Period / Question Weighted Max Score

Compare to Previous

Question Score Previous Period


Question Weighted Score from the survey response in the period pervious to the current survey response period

Question Variance to Previous


Question Weighted Score - Question Score Previous Period

Question Variance % to Previous


Question Variance to Previous / Question Weighted Score

Question Variance to Max Previous Period


Question Weighted Max Score - Question Score Previous Period

Question Variance to Max % Previous Period


Question Variance to Max Previous Period / Question Weighted Max Score

Compare to Average

Question Score Respondents Avg


Average of the Question Weighted Score from all respondents to the question

Question Variance to Respondents Avg


Question Score Respondents Avg - Question Weighted Score

Question Variance % to Respondents Avg


Question Variance to Respondents Avg / Question Score Respondents Avg

Question Score Respondents Avg Previous Period


Average of the Question Weighted Score from all respondents to the question in the period pervious to the current survey period

Question Variance to Respondents Avg Previous Period


Question Score Respondents Avg Previous Period - Question Score Previous Period

Question Variance % to Respondents Avg Previous Period


Question Variance to Respondents Avg Previous Period / Question Score Respondents Avg Previous Period

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