Content Attributions
Data available via the Cloud Service (IBM Envizi) may include third party data related to reporting frameworks, industry benchmark standards, building rating agencies, emissions factors, weather metrics, currency exchange rates, geographical related data, common units of measurement conversion factors, and revenue and emissions. Details about this data including attribution requirements and other terms of use are provided below:
Emission Factors
Attribution NGA factors are available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence and should be attributed as “Australian National Greenhouse Accounts Factors, Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water”.
Attribution Contains information licensed from the Government of Canada under the Open Government Licence – Canada and must be used in accordance with the terms of that licence.
Attribution eGRID data is produced by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Washington DC: Office of Atmospheric Protection, Clean Air Markets Division which makes it available for use both non-commercially and commercially.
Attribution Spend-based multi-region input output (MRIO) emission factors (Eora) are the property of GM & Associates Pty Ltd and are provided in Envizi according to the terms of the agreement between IBM and the data owner.
Attribution AIB develops, uses and promotes a European, harmonised and standardised system of energy certification for all energy carriers: the European Energy Certificate System - "EECS" and provides this infirmation for public use.
Attribution - NABERS equations and algorithms are owned by New South Wales Treasury and are provided in Envizi according to terms of the agreement between IBM and the data owner.
Clients must adhere to the following terms and conditions when using the ratings from NABERS (National Australian Built Environment Rating System) as part of the Envizi Cloud Service:
● Any resulting rating generated using the NABERS component must be noted as an estimate and
may not be represented as a substitute for an accredited NABERS rating.
● Client may not use the NABERS trademark, or similar, in its reporting of the estimated rating (Client
may refer to "estimated NABERS rating of x stars" or something similar).
● Client must explicitly state in marketing and reporting that its use of NABERS is in no way an
endorsement of Client's product or company by New South Wales Treasury or any agency
administering the NABERS scheme.
Attribution - IEA emission factors are provided in Envizi according to terms of the agreement between IBM and IEA. Reports are based on the version of IEA data referenced in the Envizi Knowledge Base. All rights reserved.
Clients must adhere to the following terms and conditions when using IEA emission factors as part of the Envizi Cloud Service:
IEA Factors provided via the Envizi Cloud Service must be used solely for the calculation of data and information relevant to the client’s own business.
Clients are only permitted to disclose the IEA Factors relevant to their emissions calculations in their sustainability reports to third parties for the purposes of emissions reporting (e.g., to CDP) and/or audits.
Clients must not reproduce the IEA Factors in reports issued to the public such as in their Annual Reports nor use any IEA Factors in software or a tool that they make available to third parties.
Attribution New Zealand emissions factors are prepared by the Ministry for the Environment, with technical expert advice from Toitū Envirocare and Agrilink Limited and are made available for public use.
Attribution National Greenhouse Accounts factors are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence and must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions of that licence.
Attribution - This dataset is associated with the following publication: Ingwersen, W., and M. Li. Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for US Industries and Commodities. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA, 2020 and is intended for public access and use.
Attribution United Kingdom Government Greenhouse gas reporting conversion factors are provided by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy under an Open Government Licence v1.0 and must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions of that licence.
ESG Reporting Frameworks
Attribution - CDP Questionnaire content licensed and provided in IBM Envizi according to terms of the agreement between IBM and CDP.
Attribution - The GRI Standards are used by IBM Envizi under licensed authority from GRI. GRI, as Licensor of the copyright in the GRI Standards, verified and validated the authentic and accurate representation of the GRI Standards by Licensor in (Licensee's Authorized Product). This verification was limited to ensuring the maintenance of the integrity, authenticity and accuracy of the Licensed Content. GRI therefore makes no implied or actual representations or warranties as to the correctness, compliance, trustworthiness, fitness of purpose or quality of IBM Envizi or any products resulting therefrom; or of Licensee’s use of the GRI copyrighted content; and expressly disclaims any implied or express representations that any report produced by Licensee meets the standards of an approved GRI Standards Report.
Attribution Sustainability reporting guidance for the oil and gas industry is copyright © Ipieca Ltd and subject to the following Terms of Use.
Attribution - IBM licenses and uses the SASB Materiality Map® Disclosure Topics, Accounting Metrics, and Technical Protocols for use in the Envizi Cloud Offering.
Attribution The United Nations provides information subject to these Terms of Use.
Attribution The United Nations provides information subject to these Terms of Use.
Attribution - TCFD content is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence and must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions of that licence.
Attribution - TNFD content is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence and must be used in accordance with the terms and conditions of that licence
Attribution The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service provides exchange rate and other data to copy, adapt, redistribute, or otherwise use for non-commercial and commercial purposes.