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What is NABERS?

NABERS stands for ‘National Australian Built Environment Rating System’ and is a building benchmark system used to rate environmental impact for Australia’s built environment, such as offices, shopping centres, hotels and more. Like the efficiency star ratings on your fridge or washing machine, NABERS provides a rating from one to six stars to assess buildings' efficiency across:

  • Energy

  • Water

  • Waste

  • Indoor environment

(note Envizi’s NABERS module covers Office Energy and Office Water only)


Envizi's Building Ratings + Benchmarks module includes functionality to support by allowing users to achieve one or more of the followings:-

  1. Capturing all accredited NABERS rating information and auditing documentations in a centralized place, normally for a portfolio of buildings and locations

  2. Ability to view and calculate indicative NABERS Office Energy and Water ratings by using NSW OEH’s official NABERS rating algorithms - Envizi is a 'NABERS Equipped' software service provider and has obtained license from NSW OEH to use the algorithm in Envizi platform

  3. Track and monitor the trend of NABERS Office Indicative ratings month by month, and compare with latest accredited rating

  4. Review consumption trend month-by-month and consumption intensity by rated area

  5. Store and review NABERS related consumption and building data in a centralised place for easy access by NABERS Assessors

  6. Review and report NABERS Portfolio Average accredited ratings

Where do I find it?

Since NABERS rating is normally conducted for a building or a location, the NABERS dashboards and report can be found in the Location space. Navigate to Location Summary page, then under the sub-menu of 'Benchmark'. For organizational level NABERS dashboard, it it accessible from main menu Monitor and then Benchmarks.  For portfolio level or group level NABERS dashboard, similarly it is accessible from Group Summary page, and then under the sub-menu of 'Benchmark'.

What is my current indicative NABERS rating?

Go to the Benchmark sub-menu at a location space, there are four dashboards available for different NABERS rating types, depending on your needs.

  • NABERS Office Energy – Base Building

  • NABERS Office Water

  • NABERS Office Energy – Tenancy

  • NABERS Office Energy – Whole Building

View the current indicative NABERS rating in the second summary box of the dashboard. You can also see the latest accredited rating of this location, its rating period and expiry date in the other two summary boxes.

The dashboard also allows you to see the trend of the indicative ratings over the last 24 months, and compare them with the accredited ratings.

What are my utility consumption and building attributes that are used to calculate the indicative rating?

You can find this information in the same dashboard. Indicative rating details such as rated Electricity in kWh, Natural Gas in MJ and Rated Area in m2 can be found in the grid below the chart. The grid shows rolling 12 months of data for the last 24 months. Each record represents 12 month of data that are used to calculate the indicative rating for the month of rating end period.

Utility consumption and their intensities (by rated area) can also be viewed in the bar chart below the grid. The chart also shows previous year's consumption thus allowing you to compare this year's performance with previous year's.

You can use the tabs at the top of the chart to toggle between Electricity, Natural Gas, Diesel.

Where do I capture accredited NABERS rating result and related certification documents?

Capturing of accredited NABERS rating information is crucial for getting the full value of NABERS dashboards, especially the NABERS Portfolio dashboard. Go to Location summary page first, and then 'Benchmark'→ 'Location Ratings'. This will bring you to the Location Ratings page. Alternatively this page can also be accessed by right click on a location in a Locations grid, and then Location Ratings.

Click Create New to capture a new rating.

Choose the correct Rating Body, fill in all compulsory fields and then click Save. Available NABERS ratings are:-

  • NABERS Office - Base Energy Ex GP

  • NABERS Office - Base Energy Inc GP

  • NABERS Office - Water Whole Building

  • NABERS Office - Tenancy Energy Ex GP

  • NABERS Office - Whole Energy Ex GP

  • NABERS Office - Whole Energy Inc GP

Once saved, you can add any documents related to the rating as Attachments to the location rating, which are accessible from the preview panel on the right hand side.

For buildings that have both Excluding Green Power rating and Including Green Power ratings, both ratings should be captured. For more details about capturing accredited ratings, please refer to the NABERS Configuration Guide.

How to see average NABERS portfolio rating for Base Building and Water ratings?

The average NABERS Base Building and Water rating for a portfolio can be viewed from the NABER Portfolio dashboard. It can be accessed via Group → Benchmark NABERS Office Building Portfolio - Accredited. The weighted average rating for Office Energy and Water are shown in the Summary boxes in the dashboard. Alternatively if you want to see the average rating for the whole organization, it can be viewed from Monitor Benchmark → NABERS Office Building Portfolio - Accredited which includes all locations with NABERS accredited ratings captured in the organization. 

By default location's Base Building rating are used to calculated the average. In case of Base Building rating is not available for a location,  its Whole Building rating is used if available.

The calculation of the average rating follows the portfolio average ruling published by NABERS, which means the average rating is area-weighted, and it also takes into consideration of building ownership (captured as Location-Group membership % in Envizi).

The dashboard is made up of the following parts:


There are several items that need to be configured or captured before this module can be effectively used.

  1. Tagging Accounts and Meters - this is to tag Accounts or Meters that are applicable to NABERS indicative rating calculation, e.g. the system needs to know whether an account should be included for Base Building rating calculation, or whether it is an exclusion or even subtraction.

  2. Capturing of building rating attributes such as rated area, weekly hours etc. for the indicative rating calculation.

  3. Capturing of previous and current accredited NABERS rating details so that it can be tracked against indicative ratings going forward.

Items 1 and 2 should be continuously reviewed (e.g. monthly) in order to obtain a more accurate indicative rating. Building rating attributes are time stamped just like any other utility accounts (e.g., each record has a Start Period and End Period). Since NABERS rating is always based on a 12 months rating period, so if the rating area are different for each month (most likely), the system will calculate an average ‘rated area’ for the 12 months period and then use it for NABERS indicative rating calculation.

Fore more details on the configuration, please refer to the NABERS Configuration guide.

This module covers NABERS Office Energy and Water rating, but does not cover NABERS Retail or any other NABERS rating types.

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