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Managed Emission Factors - Green-e Residual Mix

This factor set represents US residual mix factors published annually by Green-e, which is a “consumer protection program designed to provide purchasers of renewable energy good product information, assurance of product quality and verification of product ownership.” These factors apply only to the market-based emissions method of calculating Scope 2 emissions accessible through the Market-based emissions PowerReport.

This factor set dates back to it’s first publication in 2015 using electricity data from 2013. The regional alignment of this factor set matches up with the eGrid system in the US, not along state boundaries.

Also note that the application of this factor set uses the historical data load date set for an organization, to avoid recalculation of emissions each time a new factor set is published.




Green-e® Residual Mix Emissions Rate Tables, factors generated by the Centre for Resource Solutions (CRS).

Latest publication: 12/Dec/2023

Upcoming publication date

Publishes annually. Expected upcoming publication date: Q3,Q4-2024

Geographical coverage

By default factors are applied to US eGrid regions. Green-e used to publish factors for Canadian NERC regions, but their last publication was in April-2018 and have no plans for any future publications.

Data type coverage

Publications exist for every year from 2013 to the present.

These emission factors apply only to Scope 2 Market-based electricity and can only be used in the Market-based Emissions power report.

Effective and Published dates

This publication typically publishes 2 years after the effective period. For more information on effective and published dates see this article.

If the organization would like to apply this factor set always using effective periods, the historical data load date should be set to BLANK.

If the organization would like to apply this factor set always using published periods, the historical data load date should be set to a date into the distant future.

If you require a custom period for your factors this will need to be managed as custom factors.

Managed publications and effective periods

Factor Source reference

Effective From

Effective To

Published From

Published To

2015 Green-e Energy Residual Mix Emissions Rates. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for purposes of electricity disclosure in North America for the calendar year 2013.

2016 Green-e Energy Residual Mix Emissions Rates. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for purposes of electricity disclosure in North America for the calendar year 2014.

2017 Green-e Energy Residual Mix Emissions Rates. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for purposes of electricity disclosure in North America for the calendar year 2015.

2018 Green-e Energy Residual Mix Emissions Rates. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for purposes of electricity disclosure in North America for the calendar year 2016.

2019 Green-e Residual Mix Emissions Rates (2017 Data) - Accessed on 20/Jun/2019, from:

2020 Green-e Residual Mix Emissions Rates (2018 Data) - Released on 29/May/2020, from:

2021 Green-e Residual Mix Emissions Rates (2019 Data) - Released on 14/April/2021, from:

2022 Green-e Residual Mix Emissions Rates (2020 Data) - Released on 19/July/2022, from:

2023 Green-e Residual Mix Emissions Rates (2021 Data) - Released on 13/December/2023, from:

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