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Managed Emission Factors - AIB Residual Mix (EU)

This factor set represents most EU countries' residual mix factors published annually by the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB). AIB develops, uses and promotes a European, harmonised and standardised system of energy certification for all energy carriers: the European Energy Certificate System - "EECS".

These factors apply only to the market-based emissions method of calculating Scope 2 emissions accessible through the Market-based emissions PowerReport.

This factor set dates back to its first publication in 2015. Prior to that residual mix factors were published from 2012 to 2014 by Reliable Disclosure Systems for Europe, (RE-DISS). Also note that the application of this factor set uses the historical data load date set for an organization, to avoid recalculation of emissions each time a new factor set is published.


European Residual Mix


European Residual Mixes 2022, Association of Issuing Bodies.

Latest publication: Version 1.0, 2023-06-01.

Upcoming publication date

Publishes annually, usually in May or June. Upcoming publication date: June, 2024

Geographical coverage

By default factors are applied to at the country level for participating EU countries.

Data type coverage

Publications exist for every year from 2012 to the present.

These emission factors apply only to Scope 2 Market-based electricity and can only be used in the Market-based Emissions power report.

Effective and Published dates

In the 2018 publication Envizi moved to separate published dates from effective dates as market-based emissions reporting was becoming more widely adopted.

This publication typically publishes about 16-18 months after the effective period. For more information on effective and published dates see this article.

If the organization would like to apply this factor set always using effective periods, the historical data load date should be set to BLANK.

If the organization would like to apply this factor set always using published periods, the historical data load date should be set to a date into the distant future.

If the organization requires a custom period for your factors this will need to be managed as custom factors.

Managed publications and effective periods

Factor Source reference

Effective From

Effective To

Published From

Published To

2012 Reliable Disclosure System Disclosure for Europe - Phase II. European Residual Mixes. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for purposes of electricity disclosure in Europe for the calendar year 2012. Table 1: Final Residual Mixes for 2012, Direct CO2 (gCO2/kWh)

2013 Reliable Disclosure System Disclosure for Europe - Phase II. European Residual Mixes. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for purposes of electricity disclosure in Europe for the calendar year 2013. Table 1: Final Residual Mixes for 2013, Direct CO2 (gCO2/kWh)

2014 Reliable Disclosure System Disclosure for Europe - Phase II. European Residual Mixes. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for purposes of electricity disclosure in Europe for the calendar year 2014. Table 2: Final Residual Mixes for 2014, Direct CO2 (gCO2/kWh)

2015 Association of Issuing Bodies. European Residual Mixes. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for purposes of electricity disclosure in Europe for the calendar year 2015. Version 1.0, corr2, 15th May 2015 (corrected 21 May 2015, editorial changes 15 June 2015). Table 2: Final Residual Mixes for 2015, Direct CO2 (gCO2/kWh)

2016 Association of Issuing Bodies. European Residual Mixes. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for purposes of electricity disclosure in Europe for the calendar year 2016. Version 1.2, 15th June 2017. Table 2: Final Residual Mixes for 2016, Direct CO2 (gCO2/kWh)

2017 Association of Issuing Bodies. European Residual Mixes. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for the calendar year 2017. Version 1.13, 2018-07-11. Table 2: Residual Mixes 2017, Direct CO2 (gCO2/kWh)

2018 Association of Issuing Bodies. European Residual Mixes. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for the calendar year 2018. Version 1.1, 2019-05-28. Table 2: Residual Mixes 2018

Note: This publication was the first instance where the expiry of the publication period aligned with the actual publication dates.

2019 Association of Issuing Bodies. European Residual Mixes. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for the calendar year 2019. Version 1.1, 2019-05-29. Table 2: Residual Mixes 2019

2020 Association of Issuing Bodies. European Residual Mixes. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for the calendar year 2020. Version 1.0, 2021-05-31. Table 2: Residual Mixes 2020

2021 Association of Issuing Bodies. European Residual Mixes. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for the calendar year 2021. Version 1.0, 2022-05-31. Table 2: Residual Mixes 2021

2022 Association of Issuing Bodies. European Residual Mixes. Results of the calculation of Residual Mixes for the calendar year 2022. Version 1.0, 2023-06-01. Table 2: Residual Mixes 2022

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