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Managed Emission Factors - New Zealand Ministry for the Environment

The the New Zealand Ministry for the Environment publishes a set of GHG emission factors covering Scope 1, 2 and some Scope 3 emission sources.

Envizi has managed this factor set since 2009. This factor set has been published at irregular intervals since it was originally created back in 2006. The factor set contains the 3 individual GHG gases for fossil fuel sources and CO2e for all other sources.

The available emission sources changes from year to year so it’s recommended to review the publication to understand the changes from year to year.

Note for 2024 publication

In 2024 the MfE published multiple new historical factors for purchased electricity. The most recent factor for 2023 has been used for this publication.

All historical factors can be found by visiting the source here

These historical factors cannot be loaded as it would affect previously reported emissions and break the factor selection methodology, but organizations can choose to create a custom factor if they wish.

Note for 2023 publication

In 2023 the MfE published 2 factors for purchased electricity for 2021 and 2022. The most recent factor for 2022 has been used for this publication. Both factor values provided below for reference:

2021 Factor: 0.114985977

2022 Factor: 0.074177653

The 2021 factor cannot be loaded as it would affect previously reported emissions and break the factor selection methodology, but organizations can choose to create a custom factor if they wish.

Update to electricity emission factor in August 2022

Note that there was a small revision to the grid electricity factor published in May, 2022. The value was originally 0.107 kgCO2e/kWh and was updated in August 2022 to 0.120 kgCO2e/kWh.



Measuring emissions: A guide for organisations: 2024 detailed guide

Upcoming publication date

Publishes every 1-2 years. Upcoming publication date: mid 2025

Geographical coverage

New Zealand only

Data type coverage

Publications exist 2006 to the present, but the ministry has not published every year since inception. See publication list below for details.

Scope 1: fossil fuels, biofuels, refrigerants, passenger and delivery vehicles (distance based)

Scope 2: NZ electricity : The yearly average figures provided are used in Envizi

Scope 3: upstream and downstream emissions resulting from Scope 1 and 2 emission sources and…

  • working from home measured in employee/day

  • travel by vehicle size and distance

  • freight in

  • water supply and waste water

  • waste

  • materials

  • agriculture and forestry

Note that Envizi calculates well-to-tank (lifecycle) emissions and these are visible in the Emissions Performance Dashboard and categorized as ‘lifecycle emissions’ in the grid. Lifecycle emissions can also be extracted using the Monthly Data Summary Report.

Effective and Published dates

Due to the irregular publication periods there are some publications that are ‘active’ for longer than others.

For more information on effective and published dates see this article.

If the organization would like to apply this factor set always using effective periods, the historical data load date should be set to BLANK.

If the organization would like to apply this factor set always using published periods, the historical data load date should be set to a date into the distant future.

If the organization requires a custom period for your factors this will need to be managed as custom factors.

Managed publications and effective periods

Factor Source reference

Effective From

Effective To

Published From

Published To

Guidance for Voluntary Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reporting: Data and method for the 2010 calendar year:Microsoft Excel workbook with the emission factors and underlying methods | tab: Scope 2 Electricity (2006)

Guidance for Voluntary Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reporting: Data and method for the 2010 calendar year:Microsoft Excel workbook with the emission factors and underlying methods | tab: Scope 2 Electricity (2007)

Guidance for Voluntary Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reporting: Data and method for the 2010 calendar year:Microsoft Excel workbook with the emission factors and underlying methods | tab: Scope 2 Electricity (2008)

Guidance for Voluntary Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reporting: Data and method for the 2010 calendar year:Microsoft Excel workbook with the emission factors and underlying methods | tab: Scope 2 Electricity (2009)

Guidance for Voluntary Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reporting: Data and method for the 2010 calendar year:Microsoft Excel workbook with the emission factors and underlying methods | tab: Scope 2 Electricity (2009)

Guidance for Voluntary Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reporting: Data and method for the 2011 calendar year.  3.2.1 Purchased electricity, Table 4: Emission factor for the consumption of purchased electricity - 2011, pp.13

New Zealand Ministry for the Environment - Guidance for Voluntary, Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reporting, Data and methods for the 2012 calendar year
Note that emission factors have been calculated using AR4.

New Zealand Ministry for the Environment - Guidance for Voluntary, Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reporting, Data and methods for the 2013 calendar year

New Zealand Ministry for the Environment - Guidance for Voluntary, Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reporting, Data and methods for the 2014 calendar year

New Zealand Ministry for the Environment - Measuring Emissions: A Guide for Organisations – 2019 Detailed Guide

MfE Guidance for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting – 2020, Emission Factor Workbook Using Data and Methods from the 2018 Calendar Year

MfE Guidance for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting – 2022, Emission Factor Workbook Using Data and Methods from the 2020 Calendar Year

MfE Guidance for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting – 2023, Emission Factor Workbook Using Data and Methods from the 2021 Calendar Year

MfE Guidance for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting – 2024, Emission Factor Workbook Using Data and Methods from the 2022 Calendar Year

When a new set of factors are published, the previous years' publication will terminate on the previous month. This factor set publishes in irregular intervals so published dates are not the same months year to year, but effective periods have been aligned to calendar year reporting.

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