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Programs Data Structure and Configuration


Program is a set of initiatives or actions that have a commonality and need to be grouped together. This can be based on a number of factors such as time, ownership, control, type of measures, or financial source.

Programs data can be configured in different ways with the two main options for configuring Programs being Simple or Complex.


Programs that an organization may have across their portfolio might be:

  • 2019 Capital Projects: (time based)

  • Carbon Reduction Fund: (financially driven based on source of funding and objective of the funding)

  • Water Savings Program: (data type based, in this case - initiatives relating to water savings measures)

It is up to the individual organisation to define how they want to structure their various Programs within Envizi.

Some key notes about Programs:

  • A Program is analogous to a Group containing a number of Locations. It is a group of initiatives.

  • A Program by definition, contains 1 or more initiatives

  • A Program contains Actions Plans and Actions, with Action Plans being the parent of Actions

  • A Program can be typed - Simple or Complex.

    • Simple (default): These Programs are 2-layered hierarchy: Programs > Actions

    • Complex: These Programs are 3-layered hierarchy: Programs > Action Plans > Actions

Complex vs Simple Programs

By default Programs created in Envizi are Simple in a 2-layered structure containing 1 or more Actions.

  • Actions are the individual initiatives or ECMs. Each Action contains the key project information that defines an ECM (Estimated Savings, Cost, and other project details).

Complex Programs introduces a middle layer:

  • Action Planswhich is a method of sub-grouping like Actions.

An Associate can have both Programs that are both Complex and Simple in structure - depending on the need.

Simple Program


  • Action Plan layer is functionally invisible and non-existent

  • 2 Actions live under the one Program

Pros and Cons

  • Simple structure - easier to maintain

  • Preferred approach where possible

  • For Simple Programs: 1 Action = 1 Project

Complex Program

  • Action Plan layer is utilised for sub-grouping initiatives

  • 4 Actions live under the one Program

    • 3 Actions relate to Chatswood Albert St

    • 1 Actions relate to Western Community Centre

Pros and Cons
  • Complex structure - more effort to maintain

  • Allows for sub-grouping of initiatives for 'larger' projects - may be relevant where individual initiatives need to be sub-grouped by a specific entity such as by site or funding source

    • E.g. 1: A major upgrade for a site may impact 4x meters at a site - this means 4 Actions need to be created - each linked to the 4 individual meters. The Action Plan layer groups these 4 Actions under the one Action Plan.

    • E.g. 2: A project may impact multiple Data Types - such as a Co-generation plant producing a Reduction in Electricity and an Increase in Gas - but an overall decrease in Energy when viewed at the Action Plan level.

    • For Complex Programs: 1 Action Plan = 1 Project

  • Having Action Plans allows the capture of more data fields.

It is possible to have a combination of Simple and Complex Programs being set up in the platform depending on the need, as the example shown below:

A Note on Action Plans

  •  Action Plans are only visible under Complex Programs

Program fields

Programs are the highest level entity with respect to capturing initiatives/ECMs and the individual data fields at this level are captured in the following table.

Table A : Definition of Program Data Fields

Field Name









Name of Program


Program Type


Complex or Simple

Defines whether the Program is Complex or Simple - refer to 2. Programs Configuration above



A description of the Program


Managed By:


The designated assignee of this Program

Restricted to an Envizi login

Raised On:


Date the Program was created

Defaults to the day the Program was created in Envizi

Program Group


<Ignore> - Envizi Use

<Ignore> - Envizi Use



Status of Program


Customizable List




Action Plan fields

Action Plans belong to a Program. Multiple Action Plans can be created under a single Program. Only available for use under a Complex Program structure.

Table B : Definition of Action Plan fields

Field Name







Action Plan


Name of Action Plan


Action Plan Class


Custom Category for Action Plans


Customizable List - see Custom Lists

Action Plan Source

A description of the Action Plan


 Text field

Action Plan Status


Action Plan Status


Customizable List - see Custom Lists

Action Plan Description


Action Plan Description





Action fields

Actions belong to a Program (simple) or an Action Plan (complex)

Table C : Definition of Action fields

Field Name







Action Plan




Name of Action

This field is restricted to 75 characters.



Description of Action

This field is restricted to 2000 characters.



Status of Action

Customizable List - see Custom Lists. This field is restricted to 50 characters.



Envizi Location Action relates to

Data Type

Chosen Data Type that the Action relates to

Linked Account or Meter


Meter or Account

Account or Serial Number


*Only required if Item Type has been chosen - this should be the Account or Meter that is linked to the Action.

Restricted to Meters/Accounts within the chosen Location

Implementation Cost


Total Cost of Action

Currency will default to whatever the Associate's Global Currency setting is set to.

Estimated Annual Cost Savings


Annual estimated cost savings from Action. 

Currency will default to whatever the Associate's Global Currency setting is set to.

Estimated Annual Unit Savings


Annual estimated savings from Action.

Should be entered in the units corresponding to the chosen Data Type

Estimated Annual CO2e Savings (kg CO2e)


The Estimated CO2e (kg) savings from the Action.

  • If Program Policy Auto calculate estimated CO2e savings (kg) = YES - then this field is calculated and not available for entry when creating a new action.

  • If Program Policy Auto calculate estimated CO2e savings (kg) = NO - then this field is manually entered when creating a new action.

  • This field will be visible when editing an existing action regardless of Program Policy for emissions.

Estimated Annual CO2e Savings = Estimated Annual Unit Savings * CO2e Factor

Emissions calculated are based on Estimated Unit Savings multiplied by a single emission factor selected using the following criteria:

  1. Factor Set: NGER, US eGrid, IEA, etc...

  2. Data Type: electricity, natural gas, diesel, etc...

  3. Region of the location

  4. Finish dates provided in the action fall within the effective dates of the emission factor

    1. Actual Finish Date

    2. If Actual Finished Date not populated, Planned Finish Date is used

    3. If Actual and Planned Finish Dates are not populated, the most recent factor is used that matches on criteria 1, 2 and 3.

For example, an Action has its Estimated Annual Unit Savings entered as 1000 kWh and the Action is tied to Electricity [kWh] data type. The Action has its Actual Finished Date = 31-Aug-2021. The Action is also tied to a location in NSW Australia.

Based on these information, the system then finds out that the default emission factor for NSW in Aug-2021 is 0.79 kg CO2e / kWh from the NGER factor set.

The estimated annual CO2e savings for this Action will then be calculated as 0.79 kg CO2e / kWh * 1000 kWh = 790 kg CO2e.

Estimated Annual Energy Savings (GJ)


Auto calculated field for estimated energy savings in GJ.

  • This field is not visible on Edit or Create Action form.

  • This field is only visible in Actions grid, or Extract for Programs Report

  • The calculation is based on Estimated Annual Unit Savings * GJ Conversion Factor (based on the Data Type and Emission Factor this Action is tied to)

Estimated Annual Energy Savings (GJ) = Estimated Annual Unit Savings * GJ Conversion Factor

  • GJ Conversion Factor is derived from the same CO2e emission factor allocated to this Action, by assuming the auto CO2e calculation flag is ON

Planned Start Date


Date of the planned commencement of Action

Planned Finish Date


Date of the planned completion of Action

Savings Effective To


The date from which Savings should cease being calculated in Envizi. If this date is not defined then Envizi will calculate savings in perpetuity post the Actual Finish Date.



Custom Category for Actions

Customizable List - see Custom Lists. This field is restricted to 200 characters.



Custom Category for Actions

Customizable List - see Custom Lists. This field is restricted to 200 characters.



Describes the priority of the Action.

Customizable List - see Custom Lists. This field is restricted to 50 characters.

Assigned To


The designated assignee of this Action

Restricted to an Envizi login

Estimated Accuracy (a.k.a. Confidence)


Number 0-100 defines that % confidence in the data.

Estimated Unit Savings Percent


Number 0-100 describing the % saving that this Action will achieve

Raised On


Date the Action was created

Defaults to the day the Action was created in Envizi

Actual Start Date


Date of actual commencement of Action

Actual Finish Date


Date of actual completion of Action. Savings from the Action will start accruing from the date after this date.

Percent Complete


Number 0-100 describing the % completeness of Action.

If an Actual Finish Date has been set - then this will be set to 100% upon Saving automatically



This field is restricted to 2000 characters.

Simple Payback Calculation

The Simple Payback calculation for an Action is automatically calculated based on the below logic:

Implementation Cost

Estimated Annual Cost Savings

(Calculated) Simple Payback

> 0

> 0

Implementation Cost / Estimated Annual Cost Savings

> 0

=< 0


> 0



= 0

> 0


= 0

=< 0


= 0




> 0



=< 0





Advanced Fields

Envizi has the ability to enable advanced fields which provide clients with increased data capture. Most of the fields are financially oriented metrics.

All of these fields are all made visible by enabling the 'Advanced Program fields = Yes' option at the Associate level under Admin > Program Settings.

Table D : Definition of Advanced Fields - All fields are optional

Field Name



Baseline Start Date

Start date of baseline period upon which estimated savings are based on

Baseline End Date

End date of baseline period upon which estimated savings are based on - should be after the Start Date

Funding Source

Text value defining the funding source of this Action

Customizable List - see Custom Lists. This field is restricted to 100 characters.

Restricted to 20 characters when figured as free text (see Program Fields, Custom Lists & Bulk Edit)

Years to Depreciate

Number of years to depreciate for the capital investment relating to the Action

Customizable List - see Custom Lists.

Estimated Other Cost Savings

Other financial costs savings available not directly attributable to the initiative (Action) recorded


Rebates obtained that can reduce the Implementation Cost


Internal Rate of Return value

Other Costs

Other costs associated with implementing the Action

Actual Costs

The Actual cost of the implementation

Custom Fields

Custom defined fields are available for Programs Actions - up to 5 fields can be used. All 5 fields are text fields or drop-down defined lists.

Only the fields that are required are enabled (visible). The can be configured using the Custom Fields function.

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