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Envizi API Overview

The Envizi API (Application Programming Interface) promotes sharing of data from the Envizi platform and allows users to access and retrieve data from Envizi directly through compatible third party software, such as Microsoft Excel, Tableau or Power BI, without the need to log in to Envizi's main user interface. This process enables secure remote consumption of data within Envizi by analytical tools such as Power BI and Tableau which extends Envizi’s reporting capabilities, as well as enabling users to create and consume custom dashboards and reports.

The Envizi API is built on top of Envizi's existing reporting framework. A selective list of Envizi reports can be exposed as APIs after going through a certification and validation process. With the Envizi API, users are able to get data in a pre-defined tabular report format which allows for further BI analysis and manipulation in the client tool. 

Technology wise, Envizi API is a Web Service API which employs RESTful architecture and returns data in JSON format. 


The Envizi API is an add-on module so your organization should have purchased or obtained the module from Envizi first before it can be accessed.

API Authentication

Envizi API employs the ‘API Token’ method for authentication. With the API Token method, a valid API Token needs to be used to access the API.

API Technical Documentation

Details about API connection and available API definitions can be found in the Envizi API Technical Documentation.

How to get data using Envizi API

The Envizi API is a Web Service API and can be accessed from many software applications and tools. A preliminary guide has been provided for some of the mostly used applications in regards to setting up the Envizi API connection.

It may be worth highlighting that with any of the tools above, it is possible to have multiple Envizi API calls running simultaneously, e.g., an Excel file that retrieves three Envizi reports from API at the same time. The ability of getting multiple reports at the same time allows you to build advanced reporting output and analysis, which wouldn't have been possible with only a single report of source in the past.

Accessing Envizi API using a web browser

Due to security reasons, accessing Envizi API via a web browser is no longer supported. Most web browsers do not come with a built-in default authentication method. You can use tools mentioned above to access Envizi API, or any software application that supports API Token authentication for web service APIs.

Out of Scope Items

  • If you are using SSO logins then you will not be able to access the API with your SSO logins, which are the credentials defined by your own organizations. In order to access Envizi API, you should use an API token for authentication.

  • Envizi's Web Service API is a one directional data exchange program, which means you are able to retrieve data from Envizi but will not be able to write anything back to Envizi via the API. The API does not replace Envizi connectors and manual data capturing processes currently in place. For data loading into the platform, existing processes deployed by your organization shall still apply.

  • Advanced usage of Envizi web service API, such as the linking of multiple data sources and creation of complex Power BI data sets or Excel Power Pivot data models, are not in the scope of this documentation.

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