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Introducing PowerReport

With PowerReport, you are empowered to meet complex and changing reporting outcomes with ease. The reporting process with PowerReport is seamless within Envizi, integrating your Envizi data with an easy-to-use, flexible reporting interface (PowerBI embedded), giving you the power to report what matters most.

PowerReports can be viewed, and for nominated users (users with the PowerReport Edit work role) PowerReports can be edited and saved and kept private or shared with other Envizi users within your organization.  This gives users the freedom to navigate and respond to the changing reporting requirements of your organization.

New PowerReports may be delivered as PowerReport Standard Reports or Standard Datasets. Standard PowerReports contain content aligned to specific Envizi modules and, in most cases, will be included as part of your existing entitlements. 

PowerReport Benefits

(tick) Power

PowerReports are supercharged by Microsoft PowerBI embedded. PowerBI is the world's global leader in data analytics. Report with confidence with PowerBI under the hood.

(tick) Flexible

In the changing world of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) reporting, you need the flexibility to change your reporting outputs. PowerReport puts the power to make changes in the hands of the user.

(tick) Fast

Build custom dashboards in minutes. Use Envizi’s Standard Datasets to quickly report on what matters most.

(tick) Share

Information is power. Easily share your reports and dashboards with other Envizi users.

(tick) Evolve

In a world with rapidly changing technology, PowerReports will evolve to support new Datasets and new functionality to help you keep pace with your business needs.

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