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Universal Account Setup and Data Loading

The universal Account Setup and Data Loading process includes multi-purpose report templates that allow you to use a spreadsheet-based approach to create or modify account data in bulk. The template can be populated with records for one or more accounts. As the data is loaded into the platform, if the accounts do not exist yet in the specified locations, they are created as part of the data load.

There are two key processes that can be utilised for Account Setup and Data Loading depending on your requirement;

Account Setup and Data Load

This extract report and process caters for more complex account styles which contain rules, drop down fields, unit of measure conversions and/or multiple fields beyond primary quantity and total cost. This report and process provides a customised template which is tailored to a single account style at a time as it makes it most logical to collate the data under a set of relevant column headings.

Account Setup and Data Load - PM&C

This extract report and process caters for simple account styles which only contain a Primary Measure and optionally total Cost (PM&C). Due to this simplicity, this process can support the inclusion of multiple account styles in a single extract/template/upload and can make it easier to interact with data to be loaded across different account styles.

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