Time of Use Definition
Time of use (TOU) schedules can be configured to support the attribution of cost to meter data. A TOU schedule defines periods of time within a day that can be associated with consumption charges. For example, if a utility charges more for a given unit of consumption during peak hours, this can be defined within the TOU schedule. The TOU schedule can then be applied to the When parameter when defining the charges.
To create a TOU schedule, first navigate to the Admin tab, and click on the Time of Use section within the Monetization option.
This will open a dialogue where you can define the TOU bands. Existing Schedules (TOU and other) will be displayed, and NEW ones can be created by clicking the CREATE NEW button.
You will need to give the schedule a name, description and you MUST choose the Retail Time of Use schedule type.
Once you have created the schedule, you can right click and select Edit Schedule.
The first step when editing the schedule is to create a season
A season defines the time periods the TOU bands will apply to. You can select all months, certain months, or create a custom period of time. Everything that is defined within the TOU bands will be applicable to the period defined within the season. The option below captures all months to be included within the season.
Once the season has been created, you can define the relevant TOU periods.
Once you have defined the TOU periods, you can then assign the schedule to relevant meters that you want to be associated with, this can be done via the meters grid or via bulk update templates.
Via the meters grid open the panel on the left, open the schedules assigned and click add.
Select the name of the schedule, and select the ON status, for a TOU schedule is should be On peak, even through there might be multiple TOU definitions, the ON status should be selected when assigning a schedule to a meter.
Once the TOU schedule has been assigned to the meter, it will automatically detect what charges should be associated with it, and you will be able to start report estimated cost data.