Tagging Data for Reporting
Tagging allows you to group data for specific reporting needs and apply varying reporting percentages and effective dates to further control how and when data gets reported. Tagging is also used as a general feature of the platform. For example one of the most used tag types is the Consolidation tag type which is used in most standard reports and dashboards to determine whether (or how much) an account or meter contributes to data being presented.
Managing tags
You can get a high-level understanding of tagged accounts and meters by navigating to the Tags section under the main Manage menu.
Tag Types
Tags are organized into Tag Types. Once you navigate to the tagging area, you are presented with an overview of the tag types currently in use by your organization.
Right-click actions:
Tags - Links to a page showing the Tags that belong to the Tag Type.
Tagged Items – Links to browse grid of items (Accounts & Meters) tagged to that Tag Type for the Organization/Group/Location.
Untagged Accounts – Links to browse grid of Accounts which are not tagged to any Tags in the Tag Type.
Untagged Meters (visible if have the Interval Meter Monitoring product) – Links to browse grid of Meters which are not tagged to any tags in the Tag Type.
Other actions:
Clicking on the hyperlink of the number of tagged accounts or tagged meters will bring up an accounts or meters grid of the included accounts or meters.
Right-click actions:
Tagged Items – Links to browse grid of items (Accounts & Meters) assigned to that Tag.
Tagged Items
Viewing Tag Type and Tag summary information
Use the Organization Hierarchy to navigate to a Tag Type or Tag to viewTag Type and Tag Summary Pages.