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Scope 3 Emissions Analysis - FAQ


What are lifecycle emissions?

Lifecycle emissions are defined as the complete emissions profile of an activity which includes the direct component (eg. burning of fuels or consumption of electricity) as well as the indirect component, which includes upstream and downstream emissions. For example, in the case of electricity consumption there are emissions associated with transmission and distribution losses. Likewise with Scope 1 fuels there are emissions associated with the extraction, processing, manufacture and delivery of the fuel. These losses are represented in the ‘Scope 3 Indirect’ column.

Indirect emissions are technically classified as Scope 3, but they differ from other Scope 3 sources because they result from activities that also produce Scope 1 and 2 emissions. To avoid duplicating account data and to show the link between the direct and indirect emissions, these indirect Scope 3 emissions have been included as a column in the grid rather than additional rows.

To determine total Scope 3 emissions for your organization simply sum the values in the ‘Emissions’ column for Scope 3 with the total values in the ‘Scope 3 Indirect’ column.

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