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Reporting Electricity Demand (kW/kVA)

Reporting electricity demand (kW & kVA) from interval meter data is an insightful and valuable metric for energy managers and engineers. Knowing your demand can help you with capacity planning, and also help reduce your energy costs by lowering your network costs.

Reporting demand via the bulk extract report is flexible. System administrators can configured how maximum demand is calculated, when running the bulk extract report. Options include:

  • Average of Native

    • The average demand over a given reporting period.

  • Max of Native

    • The maximum demand over a given reporting period.

  • Max of 30min average

    • First demand is averaged across a rolling 30min window, then demand is reported as the maximum 30min average over a given reporting period.

  • Max of 1 hour average

    • First demand is averaged across a rolling 1 hour window, then demand is reported as the maximum 1 hour average over a given reporting period.

  • Average of 30min average

    • First demand is averaged across a rolling 30min window, then demand is reported as the average 30min average over a given reporting period.

  • Average of 1 hour average

    • First demand is averaged across a rolling 1 hour window, then demand is reported as the average 1 hour average over a given reporting period.

First select the Admin option, then Organization Setting under Setup.

Navigate to the attribute, Demand Aggregation, and select the method of their choice.

Once the attribute setting as been saved, the Bulk Interval Data Extract will report demand based on the applied setting when reporting electricity.

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