Global Search
The global search is a quick simple search and navigation tool. You can access the global search at the top of every page in Envizi.
The default option is to search Locations.
You can use the drop down to change what you want to search on. The options in the drop-down are dependent on the products that your organization is entitled to and the type of Envizi user you are.
Your recently visited, for the search option you choose, will display as quick search results. If what you are looking for is not in that list, start your search by entering a minimum of 3 characters to start a search. As you type the search will commence. The first 10 items that match your search will appear. You can click on one of those which will take to the summary or relevant page for that type of item.
Locations - the search looks up Location name and address, Ref No and Location Ref.
Accounts - the search looks up Account Name, Location Name, Account Ref, Supplier, Data Type, Tag Type, Tag
If there are more than 10 items in the search result, you will be given the option to see all results.
Clicking on that link will take you to a grid with all search results for the text you entered for that type of item you searched on. The grid will have the same actions and functions as the standard grid for that type of item (e.g. Accounts grid).
The Records search has an additional option for advance searching using multiple criteria.