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Data Flow Automation Examples - AI Assist and SCI

A combination of data services and pipelines are used to satisfy individual data flow requirements. Here are some worked examples highlighting how the data service and pipeline is customized to satisfy different needs.

Scope 3 spend-based with AI Assist data load

This functionality requires a Data Service of type NLP Service (ETL) and a Data Pipeline to identify and route incoming data accordingly.

Create Data Service

  1. Navigate to Admin → Configuration → Data Flow Automation

  2. On the Data Services page, click Add New Service

    1. Select Category = Transformation

    2. Select Type = NLP service (Data ETL)

    3. Name = “<organization name> NLP Data Service”

    4. Click Save

Create Pipeline

  1. Navigate to Data Pipelines, click Add New Pipeline

    1. Name = “<organization name> NLP Pipeline”

    2. Target System = Account

    3. Filename Pattern = (?i)^Account Setup and Data Load - AI Assist.*\.xls(x|)(?-i)

    4. Data Source = select the NLP Service created in the previous step (please choose only one data source here by unselecting all other data sources)

    5. Data Transformer = None (pass-through)

    6. Click Save


Supply Chain Intelligence (SCI)

This functionality requires a Data Service of type Amazon S3 (Cloud Storage) and a Data Pipeline to identify and route incoming data accordingly.

Create Data Service

  1. Navigate to Admin → Configuration → Data Flow Automation

  2. On the Data Services page, click Add New Service

    1. Select Category = File Loading

    2. Select Type = Amazon S3 (Cloud Storage)

    3. Name = “<organization name> SCI S3”

    4. Click Save

Create Pipeline

  1. Navigate to Data Pipelines, click Add New Pipeline

    1. Name = “<organization name> SCI Pipeline”

    2. Target System = Account

    3. Filename Pattern = (?i)Account_Setup_and_Data_Load_SCIS.*(?-i)

    4. Data Source = select the Amazon S3 Service created in the previous step (please choose only one data source here by unselecting all other data sources)

    5. Data Transformer = None (pass-through)

    6. Click Save


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