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Data Export Status

Data Export Status Grid

The Data Export Status page shows the status of all Data Flow Automation data export jobs, whether manually triggered or automatically scheduled.


The Data Export Status grid shows the following columns:

  • Dataset - currently limited to Monthly Dataset

  • Job Type - Auto (scheduled) or Manual

  • Destination - PA (Planning Analytics), S3 or SFTP

  • Execution Time (s) - time in seconds to export the dataset files

  • Export Status

    1. (tick) if the file has loaded successfully

    2. (warning) if the file encountered an error while loading (see Data Export Logs below)

  • Processed On - the date files are exported

Data Export Logs

If the Export Status indicates an error, you can check the Data Export Logs to see if all files in the dataset failed to export or only certain files.


Please contact your IBM Envizi support team if you encounter any unexpected errors using the Data Export or Planning Analytics AddOns.

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