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UDMA Standard Reports

Besides dashboards, UDMA also includes a set of standard reports to help you perform in depth utility cost and consumption analysis. To access these reports, go to top level menu Report and click on Report Categories

There are three UDMA report categories available - UDMA Cost Analysis Reports,  UDMA - Consumption Analysis Reports and UDMA - Normalization Reports.

Report Categories

Report Name


UDMA - Cost Analysis

Account Style Data Extract

This report extracts account items (invoices) for a single account style (e.g., Electricity Large Market) which includes all line items captured in the invoice (e.g., Peak kWh, Off Peak kWh), if there are any.

Account Items & Cost Audit

This report extracts original invoice records with total cost and total consumption information, also including additional information such as loading file name and loading date etc.

Monthly Data Summary

A comprehensive report with data being normalized by calendar month, includes actual, accrual or estimated consumption and cost information for each account

Monthly Data Summary (All Measures)

Similar to Monthly Data Summary report with the inclusion of all cost and consumption measures (e.g. Peak kWh, Off Peak kWh) normalized to calendar monthly value for each account

UDMA - Consumption Analysis

Account Style Data Extract

This report extracts account items (invoices) for a single account style (e.g., Electricity Large Market) which includes all line items captured in the invoice (e.g., Peak kWh, Off Peak kWh), if there are any.

Account Items Audit

This report extracts original invoice records with total consumption information, also including additional information such as loading file name and loading date etc.

Accounts Data Variance Exceptions

A variance checking report to compare account consumption with the account's historical average.

Accounts Incomplete Data

This report provides details of accounts that contain missing or overlapping data across the period reported. The report also provides information on what data has been entered in the account if missing or overlapping data is reported.

Monthly Data Summary

A comprehensive report with data being normalized into calendar month, includes actual, accrual or estimated consumption and cost information for each account

Monthly Data Summary (All Measures)

Similar to Monthly Data Summary report with the inclusion of all cost and consumption measures (e.g. Peak kWh, Off Peak kWh), with data being normalized by calendar monthly for each account

UDMA - Normalization Reports

Bulk Regression Modeller - Accounts

Performs regression analysis for selected range of Accounts in bulk. Regression result for Account meeting its R2 acceptance criteria will be saved into the system when the report is run in 'Commit To Save' mode.

Monthly Actual vs Expected (Weather Normalized)

This report uses both account and meter data (where applicable) to compare monthly actual vs expected consumption for a given location. Expected consumption is derived by applying regression analysis using actual consumption, heating degree days (HDD) and cooling degree days (CDD) as variables. This report also provides a variance and variance % between their monthly actual vs weather normalised consumption.

Ranking Actual vs Normalized

This ERT report uses both account and meter data (where applicable) to compare monthly actual vs expected consumption for a given location. Expected consumption is derived by applying regression analysis using actual consumption, heating degree days (HDD) and cooling degree days (CDD) as variables. This report also provides a variance and variance % between their monthly actual vs weather normalised consumption, and a ranking on accounts/meters and location.

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