Survey Responses & Issues
Once a Survey is set up for your organization, you can manage and track the survey response collection via the Manage menu, in the Organization section.
For a Survey, system administrators select Request Survey Portal Responses if sending the survey to external users who will use the survey portal to respond.
For a Survey, system administrators select Request Responses if sending the survey to internal users who login to the enterprise Envizi platform.
Requesting responses to a survey can be done by group, by multi-selecting locations (actual locations or locations for third party organizations) or for a single location (actual location or location for third party organization).
A Due Date for the survey submissions needs to be selected and a message entered with instructions to the respondents (you may want to explain why they are being asked to fill in the survey and for third party respondents you may want to include some information about logging in, for example, explaining that their username is their email address and the first time they login they should click on forgot password to set up a password).
A maximum of 200 Locations can be selected from the Location pick list. Best practice is to group Locations into a grouping structure with no more than 200 locations in each sub group and then you request responses one group at a time which allows you to 'select all” Locations from the pick list.
A Survey Response is created for each location selected. For third party surveys, a SP Issue ('SP' stands for ‘Survey Portal’) is created for each response and is assigned to the Survey Portal Surveys notification contact at each location so they can respond to the survey. For internal surveys, a SURV Issue is created for each response and is assigned to the Surveys notification contact at each location so they can respond to the survey.
If no notification contact is found, the survey response will be assigned to “System”.
By having a Survey Response for each respondent, you have visibility of who has been asked to complete the survey and you can see how they are progressing (by looking at the percentage of mandatory questions they have answered).
Using Issues supports a workflow process for visibility of the status - Raised (requested), Investigating (in progress), Submitted, Resolved (closed). Using Issues also enables the respondents to be notified via email that a survey is available for them to respond to, the specified due date and a message (Issue description). Issues also enables the respondent to communicate via the platform with survey administrator (who is the reporter of the issue), and vice versa, should they have questions or comments about the survey or if your organization wants to send a message (for example, a reminder about upcoming due date) to respondents who have not yet submitted their responses.
Issue Settings should be set to Notify Reporter and Assignee for the above to be supported.
You can view/edit a particular survey response from the Survey Responses grid (also available from a Group and from a Location) by clicking on the Survey Response name.
If your organization is using the survey response locking feature, then you cannot edit answers in a closed (status = Resolved) survey response unless you have the required work role.
System administrators can Delete survey response/s (single or in bulk) from the Survey Responses grid.
Using Issues to track responses
From an Issue browse grid, Issue board or Issue email, your organization’s users can track and change the status of survey responses and quickly view a survey response via the related Issue.
Since the Issue Tracking tool is used to manage the workflow of survey responses, all users who need to be able to change the status of Issues must be given the Issue Manager work role.
You can change the Due Date of a survey response by editing the Issue, changing the Due Date and saving; or your system administrator you can change due dates in bulk from Issue Grids.
Note: A survey response can be edited past the due date.
Survey Administration
System administrators can delete Survey Response(s). The linked Issue(s) will be deleted at the same time.
SP and SURV issues should not be deleted from Issues grids as that action will not delete the corresponding Survey Response(s) which will leave the Survey Response(s) without the necessary workflow to function as specified.
System administrators can view an Audit History of each Survey Response.
System administrators can make a copy of a Survey (which does not copy survey response requests or the answers) and can edit a Survey’s name and dates as long (as long as no survey responses have been requested for that survey). A survey name should not contain special characters otherwise it may not be displayed properly in some dashboards.
System administrator can use the Survey Capture Settings to lock closed Survey Responses so that they are not editable or are only editable by users with the Survey Administrator work role.