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SRM Creating a Disclosure

This page will take you through the process of creating a disclosure.

On the SRM home page, click “Add Disclosure”

This will prompt the following pop-up. The details of the disclosure can always be changed later.



The “Disclosure Owner” field is the person who is ultimately responsible for the content in the disclosure. They determine who must provide data and respond to disclosure requirements, as well as manage timelines in delivering a completed disclosure.

Default Assignee for a disclosure is the person who, when new questions are added, will be the automatic assignee. You can change this for individual questions within the disclosure later.

Default Reviewer for a disclosure is the person who, when new questions are added, will be the automatic reviewer. You can change this for individual questions within the disclosure later.

Default Approver for a disclosure is the person who, when new questions are added, will be the automatic approver. You can change this for individual questions within the disclosure later. This role shows up as a required field only if the Include Approver option is selected.


“Ready for Review by” is when assignees must have done the work for the responses, and have marked the status for each question as “Ready for Review”.

“Ready for Approval by” is when reviewers must have done their review of the Assignees' work, and have marked the status for each question as “Ready for Approval”. This date shows up as a required field only if the Include Approver option is selected.

“Complete by” is when the reviewers or approvers must have gone through and marked each question as “Complete”, signaling that the response has the information required for the organization’s final disclosure.

“Disclosure Due by” is an informational field, showing when the organization wants to have their final product ready. This serves as a reminder for the Disclosure Owner to have the whole disclosure completed.

These dates have to be in chronological order.

Reporting Period

The Reporting Period “Start Date” and “End Date” corresponds to the time span for which your disclosure will report ESG data.

Adding Questions to a Disclosure

Once you have created the Disclosure, you can add questions from the available Frameworks in the Envizi Library and Custom Frameworks.

From there, you can select a Framework from which you want to add questions.

And proceed to add questions from within a Framework, by marking them with a check in the following screen:


At the bottom of the dialog box, the Include Notification option may be ticked. Enabling email notifications will trigger reminders regarding task assignments, question status updates, and due dates. This option can always be changed later if the Disclosure Owner decides to do so.


It is good practice to set up the disclosure first by adding questions, before selecting the Include Notification option. This will help manage unwanted notifications if the questions are not yet final.

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