SRM Administration
Access to SRM
Access to the SRM is a specialized role that can be added to individual logins, and is therefore configured per user.
Only System Administrators have the ability to add or remove access to the SRM for other users.
To add access for a user, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Contacts page via Manage | Contacts and Logins.
Find the contact that you wish to provide access, right click and select ‘Login’.
Right click on the login and select ‘Add SRM Role’.
The same process will allow you to remove access to the SRM if you select ‘Remove SRM Role’ in step 3 above.
Access Role Permissions
An SRM user with an access role of System Administrator is also considered an administrator in SRM. They have the ability to create custom frameworks and create disclosures. This role is typically for ESG or Sustainability Managers overseeing the disclosure preparation.
An SRM user with an access role of General User is also considered a general user in SRM. They do not have the ability to create custom frameworks or create disclosures. This role is typically for data owners and reviewers providing responses that meet disclosure requirements. However, General Users can still be assigned by a System Administrator as a Disclosure Owner. If they are a Disclosure Owner, they have the ability to assign question responses to other SRM users, as well as add or remove questions, to the disclosure they own.