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MB emissions - Summary

This page covers the content found on the summary page of the Market-Based Emissions report.

By default the reporting period will be set to show all data, which may be up to 5 years. To change the reporting period click on the Reporting Period button at the top right.

The first element titled Electricity (kWh) on the left-hand side shows overall electricity consumption across an organization, total renewables and net electricity after certificates have been removed (Remaining kWh). The button at the bottom will take the user to a page showing a summary of renewables and certificates distribution within the orgnanization.

The second element titled Emissions (t CO2e) at the top right is showing location-based and market-based emissions. Location-based emissions are calculated based on grid electricity consumption and grid-average emission factors, while market-based emissions are calculated based on the remaining kWh and the most precise market-based factor available. The button below called Pathway to Net Zero will take the user to a tool that can be used to model costs associated with achieving net zero at a location, or across a group, region or entire organization.

The bottom right box shows Renewables percentage. This figure is derived by diving total grid consumption and on-site renewable electricity consumption by all renewables (also including on-site renewables electricity consumption).

The emission factors button will take the user to a summary of all electricity emission factors that were used in the calculation of both location and market-based emissions.

The emissions inventory button will take the user to a detailed pivot table showing a breakdown of all consumption, renewables, certificates, emission factors and resulting emissions.

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