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ESRS - SRM Managed Framework

The ESRS framework consists of two cross-cutting standards and three main topical standards, encompassing 160 disclosure requirements (DRs), each with associated data points (DPs) and application requirements (ARs).

In the ESRS framework, sub-topics are organized into specific DRs which outline the information that undertakings must disclose and report. Each DR consists of several paragraphs with DPs that break down the broader disclosure requirement into detailed elements, providing a granular understanding of the specific information being requested. Finally, ARs provide detailed guidelines on how to meet specific DRs and DPs, offering essential instructions for compliance with the same authority as other sections of the ESRS.

Cross-cutting Standards

Topical Standards

Disclosure Requirements (DRs)

Data Points (DPs)

Application Requirements (ARs)

Information to be disclosed

Elements and details of the information to be disclosed in the DRs

Specific guidance on how to report the DRs and DPs

SRM Managed Framework for SRM

To support compliance with the ESRS framework, we've developed a comprehensive set of 160 questions, each linked to a specific DR with the corresponding DPs. and ARs contained in the same framework question.

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Disclosure Requirements

One framework question per DR

Data Points

Fields and tables within each SRM question capture all relevant DPs

Application Requirements

ARs for each DR are accessible in the SRM's details section

A single SRM question per DR, containing all relevant ARs and DPs

In SRM, every question includes fields and tables designed for users to systematically report all associated DPs. This structured approach ensures that reporters can input their information in an organized and consistent manner.

Additionally, we've incorporated the ARs directly into the relevant SRM questions, providing users with easy access to essential guidance for meeting their disclosure obligations. This integration simplifies the reporting process and ensures clarity in fulfilling the requirements.

ESRS Materiality and what undertakings need to disclose

ESRS covers a comprehensive range of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, including climate change, biodiversity, and human rights. The framework consists of over 160 disclosure requirements organized into eleven sections, which are grouped into different categories:

Cross-cutting Standards

Topical Standards

  • General Requirements: ESRS 1

  • General Disclosures: ESRS 2

  • Environment: E1, E2, E3, E4 and E5

  • Social: S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5

  • Governance: G1

Both sets of Cross-cutting and Topical Standards are sector-agnostic, which means they are applicable to all entities regardless of the industry in which they operate.

However, while the Cross-cutting standards are mandatory for all undertakings, for the Topical Standards organizations may chose to disclose only the information deemed as relevant to their specific business and operations. In this sense, entities are not required to report on topics deemed non-material to their business and need only to disclose what results to be relevant from their materiality assessment.

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