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ESRS 2 - General Disclosures

ESRS 2 sets out a comprehensive framework of Disclosure Requirements (DRs) that must be provided across all material sustainability topics at a general level. These requirements are organized into several key areas:

  • Basis for preparation (BP): This section outlines the general principles and methodologies for preparing sustainability disclosures.

  • Governance (GOV): It addresses how sustainability governance is structured and managed within the organization.

  • Strategy (SBM): This area focuses on how sustainability is integrated into the organization’s overall business strategy and model.

  • Impact, Risk, and Opportunity management (IRO): It requires organizations to disclose how they identify, assess, and manage sustainability-related impacts, risks, and opportunities.

In addition to these areas, ESRS 2 establishes Minimum Disclosure Requirements (MDRs) across several critical dimensions, which are not only specific to ESRS 2 but are also integrated into the ESRS Topical Standards:

  • Policies (MDR-P): These are the minimum disclosure requirements for an organization's policies related to sustainability topics.

  • Actions (MDR-A): These requirements detail the actions organizations are taking to address sustainability topics.

  • Metrics (MDR-M): This section defines the minimum metrics that organizations must disclose.

  • Targets (MDR-T): It outlines the required disclosures on sustainability-related targets that the organization has set.

ESRS 2 Overlap with Topical Standards

Some disclosures mandated by ESRS 2 are also required in other ESRS Topical Standards. For example, when reporting on a material sustainability matter, an organization must provide all the necessary information as prescribed by the relevant DRs and Disclosure Principles (DPs) in those specific standards. Simultaneously, the organization must adhere to the Minimum Disclosure Requirements (MDR-P, MDR-A, MDR-T) outlined in ESRS 2.

Cross-Referencing Requirements for ESRS 2

If an undertaking addresses a sustainability matter that is material, they must cross-reference and ensure compliance with both the specific topical standards and ESRS 2's minimum requirements. This ensures consistency and completeness in reporting.

Information on the specific MDR’s and DR’s that overlap or need cross-referencing, will be made available in the the Envizi Guidance section of SRM

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